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348 results:



… plans that contain context-specific measures which are comprehensive, proportionate, time bound, gender responsive, and sensitive to vulnerable groups. • Ensure that any restrictions on movement of…

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

… defeat COVID-19. Dr. Roopa Dhatt, Executive Director of Women in Global Health, addressed three key gender dimensions of the pandemic, calling for women to be better represented in leadership positions, safe…



… strong and resilient health systems for enhancing health emergency preparedness and response. Emphasize gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…



… strong and resilient health systems for enhancing health emergency preparedness and response. Emphasize gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…

UHC2030 and PMNCH launch new toolkit to support health budget literacy

UHC2030 and PMNCH launch new toolkit to support health budget literacy

… disproportionate amount of indirect health and other social and economic impacts by virtue of their gender.  Health budget literacy includes accessing budget information, analysing it to expose the…


…Forum Génération Égalité Campagne dans les médiaux sociaux 28-30 juin 2021 Principaux hashtags : #GenderUHC #GénérationÉgalité Hashtags secondaires : #SantéPourTous #LeaveNoOneBehind #UHC2030 #ÉgalitéOnAgit …



… strong and resilient health systems for enhancing health emergency preparedness and response. Emphasize gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…

Important milestones for universal health coverage at the 79th UN General Assembly

Important milestones for universal health coverage at the 79th UN General Assembly

… peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance. Health, including physical…

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

… Ensuring UHC for everyone, everywhere, is fundamental to achieving not only health parity, but also gender equality and women's and girls' empowerment, ensuring universal access to education, providing decent…


… health systems Strengthen multisectoral governance and coordination for health systems Ensure gender-equitable leadership and gender-responsive health systems Align health systems action for UHC and…