… that certain groups were prevented from participating in health policy processes because of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or other reasons for exclusion. More than half of the CSOs…
… Health workforce and deployment—how to promote and assess better performance and increase gender responsiveness. Governance—how to create better coordination across a fragmented health system and…
… dif ference would it make? Policy brief. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 https://www.who.int/gender-equity-rights/knowledge/anchoring-uhc-23nov.pdf?ua=1, accessed March 2021). Primary health care on the…
… of health system performance must inform the analysis from start to finish, and the actions engendered by it. healthcare arena, or encompass other related social sectors that directly impact on the…
… 2007: results of the 2006/07 Individual Giving Survey on charitable giving with special reports on gender and causes, National Council for Voluntary Organizations and Charities Aid Foundation. Nelson RA et…
… Organisation mondiale de la Santé, Genève, 2015. (Disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.who.int/gender-equityrights/knowledge/anchoring-uhc-23nov.pdf?ua=1, page consultée en mars 2021.) Primary health care…
… capacity-building • Acceptability: Facilities, goods and services that respect medical ethics and are gendersensitive and culturally appropriate; i.e. are both medically and culturally acceptable. • Quality: The…
… capacity-building • Acceptability: Facilities, goods and services that respect medical ethics and are gendersensitive and culturally appropriate; i.e. are both medically and culturally acceptable. • Quality: The…