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5131 results:

We're doing more to be transparent — French aid official

We're doing more to be transparent — French aid official What does Pascal Canfin think is the biggest accomplishment of his relatively young tenure as France’s deputy minister for development? He’d…

Aid for health in times of political unrest in Mali: Does donors’ way of intervening allow protecting people’s health?

Aid for health in times of political unrest in Mali: Does donors’ way of intervening allow protecting people’s health? Mali has long been a leader in francophone Africa in developing systems aimed at…

African Countries Make New Investments in Health

African Countries Make New Investments in Health A significant trend in increased domestic investment in health by several African nations is highlighting efforts to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and…

Building Financial Management in Fragile and Conflict-Afflicted States: The Case of Liberia

Building Financial Management in Fragile and Conflict-Afflicted States: The Case of Liberia This World Bank paper examines Liberia’s financial management (FM) capacity building initiatives. This…

L’accès aux soins en Haïti

L’accès aux soins en Haïti Près de 4 ans après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé Haïti, où en est la reconstruction du système de santé et l’accès aux soins ? CHU de Port-au-Prince, centre…

Global Fund Donors Pledge US$12 Billion

Global Fund Donors Pledge US$12 Billion Donors at the launch of the Global Fund’s Fourth Replenishment today pledged US$12.0 billion for the next three years, the largest amount ever committed to…

Corruption Perceptions Index 2013: Now is the time for action

Corruption Perceptions Index 2013: Now is the time for action Corruption continues to have a devastating impact on societies and individuals around the world, with more than two-thirds of countries…

Donors balk at allowing global south countries to lead on development

Donors balk at allowing global south countries to lead on development For years, donors have been saying that for aid to be effective, developing countries should be in the driving seat…

Making Development Co-operation Better

Making Development Co-operation Better Here are concrete examples from six very different countries – including fragile and post-conflict states, and nations poised to become middle-income countries…

Opening up aid — but more data is not enough

Opening up aid — but more data is not enough The world’s largest and most influential providers of aid reaffirmed their commitment to transparency this year. A United Nations panel advising on the…