Announcement - applications sought for new UHC2030 Co-Chairs The UHC2030 Secretariat is looking for new Co-Chairs for the UHC2030 Steering Committee. Are you interested? The UHC2030 Secretariat is
An open message from the UHC2030 Co-Chairs to the UNGA Ministerial Meeting on UHC A message from UHC2030 Co-Chairs - Professor llona Kickbusch and Dr Githinji Gitahi “COVID-19 has shown that
Open call from UHC2030 co-chairs to OECD/DAC ministers of development OECD/DAC High-Level Meeting on 9-10 November 2020. A call from UHC2030’s co-chairs: help countries to build health systems that
New UHC2030 policy brief on COVID-19 and fragile settings Produced by the UHC2030 Fragile Settings Technical Working Group. Around the world, over 1.8 billion people live in fragile settings. They
Call for proposals for consultancy for UHC2030 communication work Can you support UHC2030's communication work? Deadline for applications 12 February 2021. Are you an experienced communication
UHC2030 warmly welcomes new Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron and Dr Justin Koonin join us. UHC2030's mission is to create a movement for accelerating equitable and
UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism works to ensure no one is left behind Updates from the CSEM in 2020 Even as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted lives across the world, civil society continued
Launch of UHC Data Portal UHC2030 launches new universal health coverage (UHC) Data Portal to support use of data to hold governments accountable for their actions. Effective use of data to track
UHC2030’s new panel to enhance political advocacy for UHC Health is a political choice - let's move together towards good health and well-being for all. UHC2030 is pleased to announce a new universal
Better data collection and accountability: an opportunity for change after COVID-19 ‘Caught in the COVID-19 storm: women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health in the context of UHC and the SDGs’ -