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77th World Health Assembly (WHA)

77th World Health Assembly (WHA)

77th World Health Assembly (WHA) Highlights for this year's #WHA77, which is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May through 1 June 2024. Every year, WHO Member States come together to agree

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons A blog from the Global Health Workforce Network Strong and resilient health systems depend on health workers. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the

Disability-inclusive UHC is needed for health for all

Disability-inclusive UHC is needed for health for all

Disability-inclusive UHC is needed for health for all A UHC2030 Partner Insight written by Humanity & Inclusion Humanity & Inclusion (HI, also known as Handicap International) officially joined

Health Systems Heroes Awards

Health Systems Heroes Awards Leading public health professionals awarded. Management Sciences for Health recognized 10 leading public health professionals for their unique contributions to

Online course on health systems strengthening

Online course on health systems strengthening Starting soon on 8 July 2019. UNICEF and the Nossal Institute of Global Health from the Melbourne University and FutureLearn have designed a massive open

The Time is Now To Make Health in India!

The Time is Now To Make Health in India!

The Time is Now To Make Health in India! Newly Published Book on Health Policy by Professor K Srinath Reddy, provides a concise analysis of India's journey towards universal health coverage and an

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action The 2023 UHC Day campaign emphasized the need for immediate and tangible steps to make health for all a reality Each year on 12 December,

The UN recognises Universal Health Coverage Day

The UN recognises Universal Health Coverage Day

The UN recognises Universal Health Coverage Day Time for celebration, reflection and action. In December 2017, the UN General Assembly adopted two resolutions which promote universal health coverage

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

Health Systems Governance Collaborative What is this new collaborative all about? The Health Systems Governance Collaborative was born out of the urgent need for collective action in the field of

UHC2030 at the World Health Assembly

UHC2030 at the World Health Assembly

UHC2030 at the World Health Assembly WHA events in Geneva, May 2017 UHC2030 partners and associate networks will organise various side events on UHC during the 70th World Health Assembly (WHA)