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Programme d’action sur la CSU - Tweets #UHCHLM #LaSantéPourTous Programme d’action Utilisez le Programme d’action sur la #CSU pour appeler les dirigeants mondiaux à redynamiser les progrès vers



… health outcomes by putting in practice the Paris Declaration aid effectiveness principles. They do not…

Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action at UNGA

Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action at UNGA

… 2030 for sustainable development and mobilized political commitment for progress by promoting the ‘Call to…

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

… in 2019 offers a powerful opportunity to foster political commitment and action, building on HLMs on AIDS,…

UHC Forum 2017: all together to accelerate progress towards UHC

UHC Forum 2017: all together to accelerate progress towards UHC

… movement is more determined than ever to call for political action. World leaders and youth activists stood…

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

… UHC risks stagnating or even reversing. In the Political Declaration from the 2023 UN HLM on UHC, Member…



DÉCLARATION Déclaration sur la viabilité et la transition vers une sortie du financement externe Les systèmes de santé de tous les pays sont susceptibles de subir d’importantes pressions mais

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

… are facing a combination of socio-economic and political shocks such as climate change, natural disasters,…


… & agrees plans on UHC accountability & political processes up to 2023 HLM. Agenda Tuesday …



… – entails: targeting a decision-maker and having a political or policy change as a goal (82). Facilitators can…