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… strengthening. The seven behaviours are critical areas where international development partners need to…

Update from the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism

Update from the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism

… often left behind, world regions, technical focus areas, connections to other CSO networks/mobilizing bodies,…


… soundness and feasibility of a strategy in five areas: Situation analysis and programming: clarity and…

Time to act now for gender equality to achieve universal health coverage

Time to act now for gender equality to achieve universal health coverage

… of transport (especially if they live in rural areas) and lack of time because of a care burden or other…

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

… networks and partner agencies, while ensuring that actions at country level are fully aligned with the…

United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) World Congress – Special Session on Health

United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) World Congress – Special Session on Health

… development and well-being in urban settings, and actions taken at the city level have a cross cutting…

My World survey offers architects of post-2015 agenda an unmissable cue

… Clearly there's a lot still to be done in these areas. Of course, there are gaps in the MDGs, and the My…

Primary care: the first line of defense

… health workers can operate even in remote rural areas where doctors are not available. Many young persons,…



… health coverage. In Vietnam, UHC refers to many areas: health insurance, family doctor network, primary…

Joint Learning Network: solving problems together for UHC

Joint Learning Network: solving problems together for UHC

… begin to see similarities and potential for areas of real collaboration, and using UHC2030 as a vehicle…