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… interest in deepening collaboration across areas of mutual interest: synergies/joint activities,…



… of UHC2030 meeting. June 2017: Need to make interaction with UHC2030 Related Initiatives work in practice to…



Sistemas sanitários para a cobertura universal de saúde – uma visão comum para vidas saudáveis Resumo Resumo O presente documento propõe uma visão comum, para que o reforço dos sistemas de saúde



… peers in considering the SDGs key legislative actions. In the context of UHC, the engagement of MPs in…



… et tactiques de campagne et répertorie l’ensemble des actions menées à travers le monde par les défenseurs de la…

Working together to achieve health for all

Working together to achieve health for all

… states and stakeholders to implement ambitious, actionable commitments on universal health coverage, with…



… the usability of the findings and to help identify actionable change in each country. The 2016 monitoring will…

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

… will accelerate a series of joint priority actions to address gaps in our data and health information…

UHC2030 launches Statement on sustainability and transition from external funding

UHC2030 launches Statement on sustainability and transition from external funding

… developed a set of common principles to guide the actions of national governments, development agencies,…

CSOs endorse a statement for the Global Conference on Primary Health Care

CSOs endorse a statement for the Global Conference on Primary Health Care

… all over the world, reflects tangible steps and actions needed beyond the 40th anniversary of the Alma-Ata…