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1278 results:

The EU and Collective Action For Universal Health Coverage

…The EU and Collective Action For Universal Health Coverage 15:00 - 16:00 CET This webinar is hosted by the DEVCO…

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

…A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action The 2023 UHC Day campaign emphasized the need for immediate…

Multisectoral action technical working group

Action by different thematic sectors beyond the health sector - such as education, infrastructure, agriculture,…

SDG3 Global Action Plan (GAP) monitoring framework

…SDG3 Global Action Plan (GAP) monitoring framework New analysis for country teams: Perspectives of 52…

Now is the Time For All Countries to Take Action on Universal Health Coverage

Now is the Time For All Countries to Take Action on Universal Health Coverage

…Now is the Time For All Countries to Take Action on Universal Health Coverage A statement from UHC2030's Co-chairs…

A call to action: Advancing UHC in emergency settings

A call to action: Advancing UHC in emergency settings

…A call to action: Advancing UHC in emergency settings Side event at the World Health Assembly 71, Geneva,…

A call to action on UHC commitments from UHC2030 Co-chairs

A call to action on UHC commitments from UHC2030 Co-chairs

…A call to action on UHC commitments from UHC2030 Co-chairs A letter to The Lancet from Ms Gabriela Cueva and Dr Justin…

Demanding political action: UHC Day events around the world

Demanding political action: UHC Day events around the world

…Demanding political action: UHC Day events around the world UHC2030 supported 25 events to celebrate and promote…

Turning global commitment for UHC into national and local action

Turning global commitment for UHC into national and local action

… Advisory Panel promote national investment and action for UHC to all Presidents of Parliaments.

Civil society constituency takes action for UHC

Civil society constituency takes action for UHC

…Civil society constituency takes action for UHC Read about the UHC2030's Civil Society Engagement Mechanism's latest…