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1278 results:

WHO Youth Council urges parliamentarians to take action on health

WHO Youth Council urges parliamentarians to take action on health

… to mobilize parliamentarians and reinvigorate action towards UHC.

Local action driving universal achievements

…Local action driving universal achievements Blog from AMREF HEALTH AFRICA First published on AMREF HEALTH AFRICA…

Universal health coverage in emergencies: a call to action

Universal health coverage in emergencies: a call to action

…Universal health coverage in emergencies: a call to action Join us: Monday, 21 May 2018, 12.30 – 14.00, Room VII,…

Civil Society taking action in UHC2030

Civil Society taking action in UHC2030

…Civil Society taking action in UHC2030 New advisory group members, participation in UNGA and country…

Opinion: Health is falling off the UN agenda, but time for action is now

Opinion: Health is falling off the UN agenda, but time for action is now

…Opinion: Health is falling off the UN agenda, but time for action is now Heads of state and government are meeting in…

Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit

Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit

…Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit A statement from UHC2030 Co-Chairs As heads of state…

From commitment to action: Key messages from the WHA informal side-event

From commitment to action: Key messages from the WHA informal side-event

…From commitment to action: Key messages from the WHA informal side-event This event took place on 23 May…

Health systems assessments: turning results into action

Health systems assessments: turning results into action

…Health systems assessments: turning results into action The second face-to-face meeting of the UHC2030 Health Systems…

Non-state actor consultation on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being

…Non-state actor consultation on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being Community, civil society and…

Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action at UNGA

Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action at UNGA

…Universal health coverage in emergencies – a call to action at UNGA Event co-hosted by Governments of Switzerland and…