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…UHC2030 Multisectoral Action for Health Technical Working Group (TWG) First teleconference of TWG: 9 January 2018 Key…



… and sometimes contradictory HSAs, with high transaction costs, and low usage of results. A review of…

UN HLM 2023 Our Vision and Goals

… calm. Now more than ever, we need urgent, concrete action to build resilient and equitable health systems –…

Announcement: Speaking with one voice, stronger together

… levels.  Together, we call for urgent action towards better harmonization and alignment of…

UN HLM 2023 Our Contribution

… consultation process to prepare the Action Agenda from the UHC Movement before the…


… care, service level coverage) for responses on actions to address weak areas. 3. Partners including…

OneHealth Tool Detailed FAQs 2012.pdf

OneHealth Tool Detailed FAQs 2012.pdf

… interventions. Given the considerable interaction between different interventions and risk factors in…



CICLO DE MONITORIZAÇÃO DA IHP+ DE 2016 RELATÓRIO DE GUINEA BISSAU PAÍS NOME DO CONSULTOR DATA DE SUBMISSÃO 1 Guiné-Bissau Plácido Monteiro Cardoso 02.09.16 Processo do Ciclo de Monitorização da

Guinea Bissau IHP+ Monitoring country report 2016


Guinea Bissau IHP+ Monitoring country report 2016 CICLO DE MONITORIZAÇÃO DA IHP+ DE 2016 RELATÓRIO DE GUINEA BISSAU PAÍS NOME DO CONSULTOR DATA DE SUBMISSÃO 1 Guiné-Bissau Plácido Monteiro Cardoso

Call for expression of interest for a CSEM advisory group on GAP

Call for expression of interest for a CSEM advisory group on GAP

… a small group of people to focus on the Global Action Plan (GAP) for Healthy Lives and Wellbeing for All -…