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1278 results:



…e à outils :            Global Health Advocates/Action santé mondiale Réseau des défenseurs du Fonds…


… agreed that the UN HLM will approve a concise and action-oriented political declaration, agreed in advance by…


… to promote health systems messages and actions For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review &…

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

… opportunity to foster political commitment and action, building on HLMs on AIDS, AMR, TB and NCDs. UHC…



… duplication, generating inefficiencies and transaction costs, and delaying improved results. Demand for…

Financial Management Harmonization and Alignment issues note final.pdf

Financial Management Harmonization and Alignment issues note final.pdf

… and budget execution more effective; reduce transaction costs; and increase transparency and oversight. Most…



… with the SC’s goals for 2017 that focus on gaining traction on deliverables that are congruent with the…

UHC2030 technical working group on sustainability, transition from aid and health system strengthening

UHC2030 technical working group on sustainability, transition from aid and health system strengthening

… from external finance.  Priority areas for action and steps to advance the collaborative agenda were…

Empowering civil society and communities to have a say on public spending on health

Empowering civil society and communities to have a say on public spending on health

… global health initiatives, such as the SDG3 Global Action Plan, and collaboration on the UHC agenda and the…



… from the data revolution, and solid experience in action research will deliver interventions that can be…