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1278 results:


… meeting: Agree UHC2030 vision, plans and follow-up actions for “health systems that protect everyone”,…



… tabled in parliament for review, debate or action? To what extent can parliament conduct its own…



… les politiques publiques pour lesquelles le cadre d’action de l’OMS (la santé dans de toutes les politiques)…

UN HLM 2023 FAQs

… of State and Government will approve a concise and action-oriented Political Declaration, agreed in advance by…


… now is to sustain political momentum and promote action and accountability for UHC ahead of the mid-point of…

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

… leaders reaffirmed their commitment to taking action for UHC. Building on the 2019 Political Declaration…

UHC Forum 2017: all together to accelerate progress towards UHC

UHC Forum 2017: all together to accelerate progress towards UHC

… of progress.  Talk is finally turning to action The Forum culminated with a public event which…


… budgeting and reporting system -> transaction cost reduced -> time freed up to deliver …



… interinstitutions de l’IHP+ est chargée de faciliter l’action du partenariat. Son mandat est en substance le…



… agreements, as well as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, which aims to address the challenge of…