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1278 results:


… vision and direction and to promote collective action for UHC. To fulfil this responsibility, the…


… a cross-cutting commitment across the Key Asks and action agenda, as described on the updated Key Asks…



… to improve harmonization and alignment, and action needed in the next two years to accelerate progress.…



… at a particular health sector aspect as needed • Global action is not a substitute for country practices –…



… Process Collecting data Discussion of findings Actions OBJECTIVE OF DISCUSSION “to stimulate…

UN HLM 2019 Multi-stakeholder Hearing Statements

… which ensures that interventions and actions are funded and implemented  for every single…

Election advocacy guide

… the importance of taking urgent and meaningful action towards health for all.  But the work doesn’t…

Sierra Leone IHP+ Monitoring Presentation 2016 ENG


… Process Collecting data Discussion of findings Actions OBJECTIVE OF DISCUSSION “to stimulate…


… Co-Chairs’ Statement on UHC and Covid-19, comment/reaction to the discussion paper on emergencies and UHC, and…

Civil society engagement: a unique dynamic in UHC2030

Civil society engagement: a unique dynamic in UHC2030

… du Châtelet, Health and nutrition advocacy advisor, Action contre la Faim shared her conviction about the need…