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2154 results:

Sixth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

Sixth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting in Brussels, Belgium. The UHC2030 Steering Committee met in Brussels for two days on 10 - 11 December 2019.…

International UHC Day 2019 Global Kick-Off Call

International UHC Day 2019 Global Kick-Off Call

International UHC Day 2019 Global Kick-Off Call Join a global telephone call with key partners to celebrate our achievements this year and align our efforts. As this year’s International…

ILO Global Social Protection Week

ILO Global Social Protection Week

ILO Global Social Protection Week 25-28 November 2019 - Geneva The International Labour Organization's (ILO) Global Social Protection Week is happening on 25-28 November 2019 in Geneva.  The…

What did leaders commit to in the political declaration on UHC?

What did leaders commit to in the political declaration on UHC?

What did leaders commit to in the political declaration on UHC? Targets, commitments and actions from the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC The UN High Level Meeting on the “Universal Health Coverage…



UHC2030 Statement at the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 23/09/19 – made by Professor Ilona Kickbusch, CoChair UHC2030 For Panel 1 On behalf of UHC2030, it cannot be stated frequently enough that UHC…



PRELIMINARY AGENDA 09:00 – 09:30 Trusteeship Council Chamber Opening Segment Approval of the Political Declaration on UHC – – – – – H.E. Mr. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the 74th session of…



UN Agency Joint Statement at the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 23/09/19 – made by UNICEF I make this statement on behalf of UN members of UHC2030: UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNDP, ILO and IOM. Access to…



UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency Statement at the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 23/09/19 – made by the World Economic Forum UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency is the convening platform for private…



Global Health Initiatives Joint Statement at the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 23/09/19 – made by GAVI Today’s High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage is a defining moment to achieve inclusive…



List of statements submitted from participants of the UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage Constituency/ Institution Alliance for Gender Equality for UHC Ambivium Institute Written…