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2154 results:

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response A statement from UHC2030's co-chairs ahead of…

Realising the right to health requires political will and leadership

Realising the right to health requires political will and leadership

Realising the right to health requires political will and leadership A statement from UHC2030's co-chairs following the G20 Summit in Indonesia We welcome the Indonesian G20 Presidency’s efforts “to…



UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN HLM UHC) in 2023 Dear [insert name], [Date] In September 2019, at the first United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN…

UHC2030 at HSR2022

UHC2030 at HSR2022

UHC2030 at HSR2022 On 4 November 2022, UHC2030 with the Swiss Tropical Health Institute (SwissTPH) and the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) led a conversation on political…

UHC2030 at the Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders

UHC2030 at the Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders

UHC2030 at the Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders UHC2030 Steering Committee Co-Chair Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron will attend the Reykjavík Global Forum, rallying intersectoral support for…

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems

UHC2030 Related Initiatives champion action to strengthen health systems At the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research many of the UHC2030 Related Initiatives will be showcasing current…



Moving Together to Build a Healthier World Key Asks from the UHC Movement UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage Learn More #HealthForAll #HLMUHC Ask 1 Ensure Political Leadership…



Œuvrer ensemble pour un monde en meilleure santé Demandes clés du Mouvement pour la CSU Réunion de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur la couverture santé universelle Demande 1 Garantir une…



Avanzando Juntos para Construir un Mundo más Saludable Demandas Clave del Movimiento para la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal (UHC) Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Cobertura…



Key Asks from the UHC Movement for the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC in 2019 Background Note: multi-stakeholder consultations Background United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) agreed to hold the UN…