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1293 results:



…UHC2030 Working group on Multisectoral Action (MSA): building capacity UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Tokyo, 12 December work,…



…UHC2030 Working group on Multisectoral Action (MSA): building capacity UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Tokyo, 12 December work,…


… agreed that the UN HLM will approve a concise and action-oriented political declaration, agreed in advance by…



… coverage of priority health interventions 2. Action is required both in terms of amount of funds…

IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

… on Aid Effectiveness (2005), the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), and the Busan Partnership Agreement (2011).…

UN High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

… political support to package the entire health agenda under the umbrella of UHC, and sustain health…

UHC2030 welcomes PHCPI as a new related initiative

UHC2030 welcomes PHCPI as a new related initiative

… (UHC). It is important to us that we put our agenda and our organisation within the context of what the…

Civil society gathers to advocate for UHC that leaves no one behind at the C20 (Civil 20) in Japan

Civil society gathers to advocate for UHC that leaves no one behind at the C20 (Civil 20) in Japan

… is therefore a prime opportunity to accelerate action towards the UN High Level Meeting on UHC to be held…



… in line with SDG target 3.8. As part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/RES/70/1), all…

UN HLM Campaign Toolkit Final 2019


… Multi-Stakeholder Hearing 30 April SDG3+ Global Action Plan Public Consultation June-July 3-6 June Women…