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… OECD/DAC • Translating principles into country-level action in all countries: knowledge sharing key •…

UHC2030 at PMAC - side event to discuss inputs into the UN High-level Meeting on UHC

UHC2030 at PMAC - side event to discuss inputs into the UN High-level Meeting on UHC

… highest political support to integrate the health agenda under the umbrella of UHC, rather than pushing…

Public financial management in health at the Third Annual UHC Financing Forum

Public financial management in health at the Third Annual UHC Financing Forum

… opportunities for debate and discussion. See the agenda here. Topics include:  What makes a good…

About us

… around UHC commitments and supporting collective action. UHC2030 promotes: Enhanced political and…



… responsibility and accountability, coconstruction of agendas, shared execution . The ‘good news’ (4) Growing…



… with the SC’s goals for 2017 that focus on gaining traction on deliverables that are congruent with the…



… country level. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM. Action items • Agree on the next group of countries for…



… the Transi3on Steering Commi8ee • Included unfinished Agenda from IHP+, as well as selected areas of work…


… 2018 Conference Room 11, UN Headquarters Agenda of this briefing session Introduction from…

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

… and speed up progress towards UHC goals. The UHC Action Agenda by the UHC Movement and recent Lancet…