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1307 results:



… 2017. Broad consensus was achieved to elaborate an action-oriented agenda to ensure that HSA results would…

Civil society responds to the 2019 UHC Global Monitoring Report

…of “leaving no one behind”, which is articulated in the SDG Agenda as “reach the furthest behind first”. 2. The…

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

… will accelerate a series of joint priority actions to address gaps in our data and health information…


… dimensions of health systems and specific actions to strengthen them - be it in governance, finance,…


… Co-Chairs’ Statement on UHC and Covid-19, comment/reaction to the discussion paper on emergencies and UHC, and…

UN HLM Draft UHC2030 Asks for consultation


… Initiatives: ✓ Three outcomes from the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) - 1. better alignment between global…


… commit to: G7 Ise-Shima Summit in 2016 Health Agenda Urge and support the WHO , which plays the…



… UHC2030 strategic narrative to guide advocacy and action on health systems for UHC and health security goals…



…Online Consultation Report From commitment to action: Action agenda on universal health coverage from the UHC movement…

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

… are at a critical junction, where the Decade for Action and Delivery for Sustainable Development is now more…