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… September 2011. The IAWG discussed a list of key action points to be implemented in 2011 to support early…



…odus operandi for the taxonomy work of the UHC2030 TWG HSA Action points and next steps:     Two to three…


… facilitate that in your region? What concrete action should governments, IHP + partners and non state…

Children from nomadic communities and life-saving health care

… reaching a settled community. FROM RHETORIC TO ACTION Action is needed at all levels: The global health…

Health: A Political Choice

Health: A Political Choice

… and many more.  Promoting decisive action, it concludes with the six Key Asks from the UHC…



…2030 International Health Partnership Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security A…

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

… message of the Civil Society’s COVID-19 Calls to Action developed by the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism…



… 6. Governments have committed to multisectoral action to address factors outside the health sector. …

The Road to 2023: gaps, challenges and opportunities to accelerate progress on UHC

The Road to 2023: gaps, challenges and opportunities to accelerate progress on UHC

… also emphasized the need to translate policy into action, recognizing that “when health is at risk,…

Thailand, South Africa and the Rockefeller Foundation give fresh support to UHC2030

Thailand, South Africa and the Rockefeller Foundation give fresh support to UHC2030

… and governance. We need strong collective action to achieve UHC by 2030.”  South Africa has…