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2154 results:



The State of UHC Commitment Tell the REAL STORY of health care in your country Many countries are taking real and measurable steps forward to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). To better…



L’état de l’engagement en faveur de la CSU Raconter la VÉRITABLE HISTOIRE des soins de santé dans votre pays Beaucoup de pays prennent des mesures concrètes pour avancer vers une couverture santé…



Cual es el estado del compromiso con Cuente la historia real de los servicios de salud UHC/CSU en su pais? UHC2030 esta solicitando contribuciones a una evaluacion por partes interesadas llamada…



2030 International Health Partnership THE STATE OF UHC COMMITMENT CONCEPT BRIEF BACKGROUND In September 2019, at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) “Universal Health Coverage: Moving…



L’ÉTAT DE L’ENGAGEMENT EN FAVEUR DE LA COUVERTURE SANTÉ UNIVERSELLE NOTE CONCEPTUELLE HISTORIQUE En septembre 2019, à la réunion de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur le thème « Couverture santé…



18 June 2020 Your Excellency, It is a great honour for us to call on your leadership in securing political and financial support to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030 and ensuring an…

Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone?

Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone?

Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone? Dialogue between United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UHC2030 The COVID-19 pandemic…

Financing health systems to strengthen preparedness for future shocks

Financing health systems to strengthen preparedness for future shocks

Financing health systems to strengthen preparedness for future shocks Mobilising resources for emergency responses and long-term health systems strengthening. How can countries mobilize adequate…

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development

Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development Investing in health event at the High Level…

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage? By Agnes Soucat, World Health Organization; Francesca Colombo, Organisation for Economic…