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2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop Before the launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), with the



Prioritizing health and well-being for all A note from UHC2030 on the Summit of the Future COVID-19 demonstrated the devasta5ng impacts health crises can have on our world. In se>ng the blueprint for



A note from PMNCH1 and UHC20302 on the Summit of the Future Priori:zing health and well-being for all, including for women, children and adolescents COVID-19 demonstrated the devasta5ng impacts health

UHC2030 welcomes new members to the UHC Movement Political Panel

UHC2030 welcomes new members to the UHC Movement Political Panel

UHC2030 welcomes new members to the UHC Movement Political Panel UHC2030 is excited to welcome several new and distinguished members to the UHC Movement Political Panel. The UHC Movement Political Pan

UHC movement political panel

The UHC Movement Political Panel provides guidance to the UHC2030 Steering Committee to strengthen political support for universal health coverage (UHC). The panel also conveys UHC2030’s messages to

Leveraging universal health coverage to leave no one behind in tackling AMR

Leveraging universal health coverage to leave no one behind in tackling AMR

Leveraging universal health coverage to leave no one behind in tackling AMR The UHC Movement Political Panel calls on Member States to leverage UHC at the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobi



2024–2027 MARCO ESTRATÉGICO Fomentar la aplicación de los compromisos mundiales en materia de cobertura sanitaria universal mediante la promoción, la rendición de cuentas y el alineamiento La Alian



2024–2027 CADRE STRATÉGIQUE Favoriser la mise en œuvre des engagements mondiaux en matière de couverture santé universelle par le plaidoyer, la responsabilisation et l'alignement La CSU2030 est une



2024–2027 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Fostering the implementation of global commitments on universal health coverage through advocacy, accountability and alignment UHC2030 is a global, multi-stakeholder p

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs following the adoption of the resoluti