Module 1: The role of Civil Society
Find tools and practical exercises for prospective UHC budget advocates to begin conceptualizing country-level UHC budget advocacy work.
Section A: General introduction and overview of civil society budget advocacy work
Download: A1. What is advocacy?
Download: Activity: Identifying definitions and concepts of advocacy
Download A2. What is budget advocacy? Who does it and why?
Download: Activity: Ecosystem of civil society budget advocacy in your country
Download: A3. What is the potential impact of budget advocacy?
Download: Tool: Case studies of civil society budget work around the world
Download: Activity: Budget advocacy work by CSOs and their impact
Section B: Budget advocacy related to health and UHC
Download: B1. What does health budget advocacy seek to accomplish and what has been its focus?
Download: Activity: Identifying civil society groups working to advance UHC
Download: B2. Examples of CSO budget advocacy for health and UHC
Download: Activity: Identifying a UHC budget advocacy problem or agenda in my country
Section C: The importance of strategic budget advocacy for UHC
Download: C1. When is civil society budget advocacy successful?
Download: C2. How to plan budget advocacy with an impact?
Download: Tool: Slippery problems
Module 2: the Role of the Media
How to use this module to develop a workshop
Each section contains explanations about different aspects of UHC budget advocacy, and accountability and the role of the media. This module can be used to develop activities and presentations. Each section also contains example activities to help participants explore the different issues, apply knowledge and build understanding.
Section A: Introduction to media engagement with UHC budget advocacy work
Download: A1: What is health budget advocacy and accountability?
Download: Activity: Advocacy and accountability
Section B: What can the media do in health budget accountability?
Download: B1: What media can do?
Download: B3: Why should I work on health budget accountability for universal health coverage?
Download: Activity: Media and health budget accountability
Section C: With whom do media need to engage on health accountability?
Download: C1: Advantages and mutual benefits of collaboration and audiences to target
Download: C2: Networks: who can I collaborate with and learn from?
Download: C3: Strategic collaboration: when, what for and how can they bring about change?
Download: C4: How to build effective collaboration and mitigate possible risks?
Download: Activity: Collaboration
Section D: When and where in health budget can media play a part?
Download: D1: Where in the budget process can I have the most positive impact and why?
Download: Activity: Role of the media in the budget process
Section E: Addressing UHC budget accountability in a way that engages the audience?
Download: E1: How can media support UHC budget accountability?
Download: E2: Setting objectives for stories
Download: E3: What platform, format and style should be used?
Section F: Limitations for media engagement
Download: F1: Considerations on challenges and risks media are facing
Download: Activity: Limitations and Challenges
Module 3: The role of parliaments
Section A: Parliaments and their relevance for SDG accountability
Download: A1. Why should Parliaments engage with the SDGs and what is their role?
Download: A2. To what extent are parliaments engaging with SDGs?
Download: Tool: Questions for assessing parliamentary involvement with the SDGs
Download: Activity: Application of the self-assessment tool on engagement with SDG 3 and UHC
Section B: Parliamentary oversight function and why it matters for UHC budget accountability
Download: B1. Parliaments and the public budget: a brief introduction
Download: Activity: Checklist on the executive budget proposal
Download: B3. Challenges and limits of parliaments and their members for effective oversight
Download: Tool: Tips for MPs on budget oversight
Section C: Engaging citizens in effective participation in budget oversight for UHC
Download: C1 The role of parliaments in fostering effective participation in the budget process