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134 results:



… From commitment to action: Action agenda on universal health coverage from the UHC movement March 2023 Summary UHC2030 ran a public, online consultation from 6 January 2023 and 6 February 2023, to inform…



… to UHC? Dr. Akihito WATABE Program Manager, UHC2030 Core Team State of UHC Commitment review 2020-2023 Review 2021: • Pilot in 45 VNR 2021 countries • 113 gov health policy documents from 45 countries, inc’l…


…From Commitment to Action: The UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage in September 2023 Dear [insert name], [Date] In September 2023, the 78th United Nations General Assembly will hold three high-level…


… From Commitment to Action: The UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage in September 2023  [Date]  Dear [insert name],   In September 2023, the 78th United Nations General Assembly will…


…UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN HLM UHC) in 2023 Dear [insert name], [Date] In September 2019, at the first United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN HLM UHC), all UN…



… Only Delegates Dining Room, UN Conference Building, New York 1,460 Days Left Countdown to 2023 – towards the mid-point of SDGs The UN High-level Meeting on UHC is a major opportunity to mobilize the…


…l’action : la réunion de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur la couverture sanitaire universelle en septembre 2023 [Madame/Monsieur], En septembre 2023, la 78e session de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies…


… de alto nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la cobertura sanitaria universal celebrada en septiembre de 2023 Estimado [nombre]:[Fecha] En septiembre de 2023, en el marco del septuagésimo octavo periodo de…


…к действиям: заседание высокого уровня ООН по вопросу о всеобщем охвате услугами здравоохранения в сентябре 2023 г. Уважаемый(-ая) [вставить имя],[Дата] В сентябре 2023 г. семьдесят восьмая сессия Генеральной…


… Agenda Objectives Agree UHC2030 2021 priorities Outline aims and contributions towards 2023 UN High Level Meeting on UHC Agree revised governance/working arrangements Day 1 (3 February) [All…