UHC2030 hosted its annual UHC Day parliamentarian town hall to...
7 December 2016
Took place in Geneva on 12 December
The UHC2030 Transitional Steering Committee Meeting took place on Monday 12 December 2016 in Geneva.
Note for the record of the meeting.
The objectives of the meeting were to:
1. Discuss the uses and implications of the paper on ‘Health Systems Strengthening for UHC by 2030: Building a shared vision’
2. Agree on the new Global Compact for UHC2030, the composition of the Steering Committee and working arrangements for UHC2030
3. Approve the UHC2030 2017 Workplan.
IHP+ rapid independent review: Presentation and Final report
Health Systems Strengthening for UHC by 2030 - building a shared vision: Presentation
UHC2030 Global Compact paper
UHC2030 Governance arrangements paper
UHC2030 2017 Workplan paper and Workplan in Excel
UHC 2030 Civil society engagement mechanism: Presentation
Conclusions and next steps: Presentation
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