Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building E2. Tools for understanding and measuring budget transparency around the world The most widely recognized…
… element for analysing funding for UHC. The information might include: government priorities in health; how the priorities are being addressed; sources of funding for health; allocations for health;…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building E3. Freedom of information around the world Budget information is thus an essential element for analysing…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Activity: Learning about freedom of information advocates in your country Individual task Instructions: •…
… country over time? Which document do you think is more likely to contain information about the health budget? Why? What are the main recommendations for your country on budget oversight and public…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Tool: The Open Budget Index Purpose of the tool: Learn about budget transparency, oversight institutions…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Tool: Freedom of information legislation Purpose of the tool: To learn about legislation on freedom of…
… overall economy, how our government manages our money and particularly in specific sectors, such as health, that we care about. It can provide us with important evidence to make our case to government and key…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building F1. Why analyse the public budget? No matter what type of stakeholder you are, if you are interested in…
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building F2. Basic budget analysis: On what should budget activists focus to begin using the budget to monitor…