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1427 results:



May 2011 The United Nations OneHealth Costing Tool Rationale and development What is OneHealth? The United Nations OneHealth Model is a new software tool designed to strengthen health system…



May 2011 El instrumento de cálculo de costos OneHealth de las Naciones unidas Fundamento lógico y desarrollo Qué es OneHealth? El modelo OneHealth de Naciones Unidas es una herramienta diseñada…



May 2011 OneHealth: Logiciel des nations unies pour le calcul des coûts Raison et développement Qu’est-ce que OneHealth ? OneHealth est un nouveau logiciel des Nations Unies destiné à améliorer…



May 2011 Программное средство калькуляции расходов Организации Объединенных Наций «OneHealth» Обоснование и разработка Что представляет собой программное средство «OneHealth»? Модель «OneHealth»,…



A rapid assessment of the burden of indicators and reporting requirements for health monitoring1 1 Prepared for the multi-agency working group on Indicators and Reporting Requirements by the…



Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Version 2: September 2011 Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Joint Assessment Tool: the attributes of a sound…



Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Combined Joint Assessment Tool and Guidelines Version 3, August 2013 For further information and additional documents on Joint Assessment,…

JANS outil & FAQ.pdf

JANS outil & FAQ.pdf

Évaluation conjointe des stratégies et plans de santé nationaux Deuxième version : septembre 2011 Évaluation conjointe des stratégies et plans de santé nationaux Outil d’évaluation conjointe :…

JANS Quality assurance checklist_September 2013.pdf

JANS Quality assurance checklist_September 2013.pdf

Quality assurance checklist for a health sector or sub-sector JANS The purpose of this checklist is to provide those involved in organising a Joint Assessment of a National health Strategy (JANS) and…

JANS Quality assurance checklist_September 2013_FR.pdf

JANS Quality assurance checklist_September 2013_FR.pdf

Liste de contrôle destinée à garantir la qualité d’un JANS sectoriel ou sous-sectoriel du secteur de la santé (septembre 2013) L’objectif de cette liste de contrôle est de fournir aux personnes…