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77 results:

Lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic The World Health Organization (WHO) is developping a decision-making framework in collaboratio

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement for 75th session of UN General Assembly

Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement for 75th session of UN General Assembly Two UHC2030 Political Advisory Panel Members - María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the 73rd Session of the UN Gene

Enabling the private health sector in the national response to COVID-19

Enabling the private health sector in the national response to COVID-19 African Healthcare Federation and WHO are organising a webinar on 16 May 2020. Health systems consist of all the people and acti

Engaging with the private health delivery sector in the response to Covid19: a plan of action

Engaging with the private health delivery sector in the response to Covid19: a plan of action Draft interim guidance to help governments with their efforts to engage the private sector as part of a wh

ILO Global Social Protection Week

ILO Global Social Protection Week

ILO Global Social Protection Week 25-28 November 2019 - Geneva The International Labour Organization's (ILO) Global Social Protection Week is happening on 25-28 November 2019 in Geneva.  The Glo

Health policies without evidence lead to mixed results in Asia

Health policies without evidence lead to mixed results in Asia A blog on the Health Systems Global website by Kaaren Mathias, Priya Balasubramaniam and Uranchimeg Tsevenvaanchig Read the original arti

Promoting implementation research for accelerating universal health coverage

Promoting implementation research for accelerating universal health coverage A news article from TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, hosted at WHO and sponsored

The Time is Now To Make Health in India!

The Time is Now To Make Health in India!

The Time is Now To Make Health in India! Newly Published Book on Health Policy by Professor K Srinath Reddy, provides a concise analysis of India's journey towards universal health coverage and an upd

Children from nomadic communities and life-saving health care

Children from nomadic communities and life-saving health care A blog from Save the Children. Read the original publication here and provide your own comment. Blog by Tara Brace-John, Health Advocacy

Advancing universal health coverage in 2019 through the gender dividend

Advancing universal health coverage in 2019 through the gender dividend An article from the Global Governance Project by Ilona Kickbusch. Original article published here In the context of universal h