BUILD THE WORLD WE WANT A Healthy Future for All CAMPAIGN REPORT 2022 UHC Day 2022 Campaign Report Table of Contents I. Campaign Overview II. 2022 Campaign Theme and Narrative Highlights
2024–2027 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Fostering the implementation of global commitments on universal health coverage through advocacy, accountability and alignment UHC2030 is a global, multi-stakeholder
2024–2027 CADRE STRATÉGIQUE Favoriser la mise en œuvre des engagements mondiaux en matière de couverture santé universelle par le plaidoyer, la responsabilisation et l'alignement La CSU2030 est
2024–2027 MARCO ESTRATÉGICO Fomentar la aplicación de los compromisos mundiales en materia de cobertura sanitaria universal mediante la promoción, la rendición de cuentas y el alineamiento La
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building B3. The revenue side of public expenditure on health and what is relevant for UHC
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Planning a workshop with the toolkit The toolkit is designed to provide users and
Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Glossary and terms This glossary is intended to help users of the toolkit to
Handbook on Social Participation for UHC HGF Department Meeting Genva, 5 March 2019 Background: push for WHO to engage more pro-actively with civil society WHO-CSO Task Force on civil society
Work Plan Implementation Update Max Dapaah World Bank Background • Work plan developed under the Transi3on Steering Commi8ee • Included unfinished Agenda from IHP+, as well as selected areas of work
UHC2030 Working group on Multisectoral Action (MSA): building capacity UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Tokyo, 12 December work, N Valentine Overview • Background – Objectives UHC2030 – History •