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1278 results:

Action Agenda from the UHC Movement

… 2019 Political Declaration commitment areas, the Action Agenda is based on the latest data, the new global…

Accelerating results intensified action issues note 7 jan.pdf

Accelerating results intensified action issues note 7 jan.pdf

… Accelerating results: intensified action on seven behaviours by all development partners Note…

The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review

The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review

…The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review A look at the key findings…

Good governance and multisector action for universal health coverage

Good governance and multisector action for universal health coverage

…Good governance and multisector action for universal health coverage A side event at the 72th World Health Assembly in…



…TAKE ACTION Actions for policymakers: Universal health coverage is a political choice to strive for equity and justice…

UHC Action Agenda public consultation

UHC Action Agenda public consultation

… in an online consultation to inform the Action Agenda from the UHC Movement.

Virtual information session on the UHC Action Agenda

Virtual information session on the UHC Action Agenda

…Virtual information session on the UHC Action Agenda UHC2030 is pleased to invite you to a virtual information session.…

Corruption Perceptions Index 2013: Now is the time for action

…Corruption Perceptions Index 2013: Now is the time for action Corruption continues to have a devastating impact on…

Cities and local governments take action for health

Cities and local governments take action for health

…Cities and local governments take action for health Statement on UCLG Membership of UHC2030 UHC2030 welcomes the United…