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1278 results:



… existing health initiatives and joint follow-up actions of UN HLMs (e.g. UHC, HIV/AIDS, AMR, TB, NCDs) for…


… amongst Heads of Agencies and commitment to take action based on your feedback and recommendations from this…

Outstanding regional political commitment for UHC in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

Outstanding regional political commitment for UHC in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

… the extent of high level commitment to take action to make progress towards UHC by all countries of the…

Universal health coverage: a wise investment with high returns

Universal health coverage: a wise investment with high returns

… meetings is likely to be that urgent action is needed to get back on track. Here's why: Taking…

Dear Global Leaders: Now is the time to invest in better global governance, and stronger country health systems – for everyone

Dear Global Leaders: Now is the time to invest in better global governance, and stronger country health systems – for everyone

… commit additional financing and take collective action, and note several unprecedented…

Solidarity, wisdom and responsibility: news from civil society

Solidarity, wisdom and responsibility: news from civil society

Action and advocacy news from the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM)

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

… the next global health crisis. Joint, coordinated action by diverse global and national stakeholders is…

UHC Day 2019: Keep the promise

UHC Day 2019: Keep the promise

… clear: Keep the Promise. We need to see action plans to guarantee health as a right, not a…

Launch of The Handbook on Social Participation for UHC

Launch of The Handbook on Social Participation for UHC

… of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health), and Stéphanie Seydoux (French Ambassador…



… Organisation Re: Civil Society and the Global Action Plan for Healthy Living and Well-being for All Dear…