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267 results:


… de alto nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la cobertura sanitaria universal celebrada en septiembre de 2023 Estimado [nombre]:[Fecha] En septiembre de 2023, en el marco del septuagésimo octavo periodo de…

UHC2030 Donors announcement

UHC2030 Donors announcement

…HC2030 Donors announcement UHC2030 DONORS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT DURING CRITICAL YEAR FOR HEALTH 15 MARCH 2023 – At the UHC2030 March 2023 Steering Committee meeting, bringing together high-level representatives…


…к действиям: заседание высокого уровня ООН по вопросу о всеобщем охвате услугами здравоохранения в сентябре 2023 г. Уважаемый(-ая) [вставить имя],[Дата] В сентябре 2023 г. семьдесят восьмая сессия Генеральной…

UHC2030 and its allies kick off their work to update ambitious Key Asks

UHC2030 and its allies kick off their work to update ambitious Key Asks

… to start updating the Key Asks from the UHC Movement ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC in 2023


… Agenda Objectives Agree UHC2030 2021 priorities Outline aims and contributions towards 2023 UN High Level Meeting on UHC Agree revised governance/working arrangements Day 1 (3 February) [All…



… is next week! Latest newsletter Subscribe Browse the archive 2024 Newsletters 2023 Newsletters 2022 Newsletters 2021 Newsletters 2020 Newsletters 2019 Newsletters 2018…

Countdown to the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC

… line, the time for action is now. This #UHCHLM, we need urgent action to achieve #HealthForAll by 2023. Join the campaign from 11 to 20 September to make sure the political declaration gets us back on track.


…ción: La Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal en septiembre de 2023   [Fecha]   Estimado [nombre],   En septiembre de 2023, la 78.ª Asamblea General de las Naciones…


…de la réunion de haut niveau des Nations unies sur la couverture santé universelle qui aura lieu en septembre 2023   [Date]  Cher [insérer le nom],   En septembre 2023, trois réunions de haut niveau sur la santé…

Effective pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is not possible without universal health coverage

Effective pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is not possible without universal health coverage

…A statement from UHC2030's co-chairs ahead of the INB meeting in June 2023 to discuss the INB Bureau’s text of the WHO convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and…