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2165 results:

Key Asks from the UHC Movement

Everyone, everywhere should have access to quality and affordable health services. We call on political leaders to legislate, invest and collaborate with whole of society to make universal health…

About the 2019 High-level Meeting on UHC

Political Declaration on UHC High Level Meeting Statements on UHC Key Asks from the UHC movement Target commitments and actions Multi-stakeholder Hearing Statements Photo by Asad…

State of UHC commitment

Tracking the state of commitment to universal health coverage around the world The State of Commitment to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) brings a unique multi-stakeholder view to a…

About the 2023 High-level Meeting on UHC

Political Declaration on UHC Summary of the UHC HLM Plenary session recording Action Agenda from the UHC Movement Advocacy tools to accelerate action for UHC Related resources and…

Budget toolkit

Toolkit on health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for UHC Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability is critical for civil society and other stakeholders to influence…

Chapter 1: General guidelines and resources for users and facilitators

Find more details about the aims of the toolkit, the principles behind it and who will find it useful:  Download: Introduction Find more details about the use and purpose of this…

Chapter 2: Core content for understanding UHC and public budgets for health

Module 1: Key aspects of health and UHC  Section A: Universal health coverage Download: A1: Defining UHC in the context of SDG3 Download: A2: Relevance of UHC for disease or…

Chapter 3: Content for civil society organizations, the media and parliamentarians

Module 1: The role of Civil Society Find tools and practical exercises for prospective UHC budget advocates to begin conceptualizing country-level UHC budget advocacy work.  Section A:…

Private sector governance and members

The UHC2030 Private-Sector Constituency (UHC2030 PSC) is the convening platform for private sector entities wishing to exchange and collaborate on universal health coverage. The constituency…

Civil society engagement

About the UHC2030 civil society engagement mechanism The pursuit of UHC must involve civil society to ensure no one is left behind. We encourage all civil society advocates to integrate UHC advocacy…