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International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 (UHC2030) Transitional Steering Committee Meeting: Background Document on the Global Compact Geneva, 12 December 2016 Contents Background…



Updated document to reflect TSC discussions on 12 December 2016 International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 (UHC2030) Transitional Steering Committee Meeting: Background Document on Governance…


Office Theme 1_Office Theme 2_Office Theme 3_Office Theme 8_Median VisID 9_Median 8_Office Theme 4_Office Theme 6_Office Theme 7_Office Theme 5_Office Theme 9_Office Theme 10_Office Theme 11_Office…


IHP for UHC 2030 Consultation June 23, 2016 Source: J. Bradford DeLong, Estimates of World GDP, One Million B.C. – Present, 1998 World per capita GDP 1990 dollars Unprecedented Economic Growth…


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Wrap-up & Next Steps IHP+ Core Team We are listening & we hear you 23/06/2016 The needs are many & clear 23/06/2016 Zolia : “ the post-Ebola environment is like a nightmare of…


Approaches to development cooperation for effective health system support in conflict affected/ fragile settings IHP +. UHC2030 23 rd June 2016 Nigel Pearson All states may experience …


UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland Session 10 Areas where we need to develop…


Questions for discussion – session 10 approaches to fragile/unstable context What should be different our approach for HSS for UHC in contexts of fragility/ challenging operating environments Are…


International Health Partnership for UHC 2030