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    PROGRAMME  DE  TRAVAIL  DE  L’IHP+  2014/15         INTRODUCTION   Ce  programme  de  travail  est  fondé  sur  les  priorités  présentées  dans …


Programme de travail de l’IHP+ 2014/15 Introduction Ce programme de travail est fondé sur les priorités présentées dans le document intitulé « Aligner pour de meilleurs résultats - Orientations…



IHP+ WORK PROGRAMME 2014/15 INTRODUCTION This work programme is based on the priorities outlined in ‘Aligning for Better Results’, the IHP+ strategic directions for 2014/15 and needs to be read in…

draft IHP+ work plan 08 01 14 v1.pdf

draft IHP+ work plan 08 01 14 v1.pdf

IHP+ DRAFT WORK PROGRAMME 2014/15, TO BE REVISED AFTER THE STEERING COMMITTEE DRAFT 7 JANUARY 2014 INTRODUCTION This work plan is based on the priorities outlined in ‘Aligning for Better Results’,…



    Framework  for  initiating  the  process  of  implementing  change  by   international  development  partners       At  the  December  2012  IHP+ …



  Framework  for  initiating  process  in  ‘fast-­‐track’  countries       Recent  meetings  of  Global  Health  Leaders  have  discussed  and  strongly …



Aligning for better results IHP+ roadmap for intensified action by all development partners Version July 2013 Introduction At the December 2012 IHP+ meeting in Nairobi, participants identified a…

Financial Management Harmonization and Alignment issues note final.pdf

Financial Management Harmonization and Alignment issues note final.pdf

__________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Management Harmonization & Alignment Note for the IHP+ Steering Committee 15 January 2014 As one of the…

IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

_____________________________________________________________________ IHP+ Country Grants Guidance Note - Updated August 2013 Background & Purpose The International Health Partnership (IHP+) seeks…

Accelerating results intensified action issues note 7 jan.pdf

Accelerating results intensified action issues note 7 jan.pdf

__________________________________________________________________________________ Accelerating results: intensified action on seven behaviours by all development partners Note for the IHP+ Steering…