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Partenariat international de santé pour la CSU 2030 Rapport de l’Équipe de base 2020 Copyright CSU2030 2021 Partenariat international de santé pour la CSU 2030 Rapport de l’Équipe de base 2020 …



UHC2030 Steering Committee ToRs The UHC2030 Steering Committee is the decision making body, responsible for setting overall strategic directions and oversight of the Partnership. Roles and…

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, 5-15 July

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, 5-15 July

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, 5-15 July Building back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The theme…

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response A statement from UHC2030's co-chairs To ensure the new pandemic instrument is based on solidarity,…

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC By Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz, Maziko Matemba, Dr. Herilinda Temba and Dr. John Wanyungu Long before the COVID pandemic…

An urgent call for people’s health needs in conflicts and humanitarian crises

An urgent call for people’s health needs in conflicts and humanitarian crises

An urgent call for people’s health needs in conflicts and humanitarian crises Conflicts and humanitarian crises pose existential risks to the right to health. We wholeheartedly join calls for peace,…

Universal health coverage and the pandemic treaty

Universal health coverage and the pandemic treaty

Universal health coverage and the pandemic treaty Integrating universal health coverage in the pandemic treaty would make it an innovative international agreement to deliver on health for all. The…

Voluntary National Review Lab on Sustainable Development Goal 3

Voluntary National Review Lab on Sustainable Development Goal 3

Voluntary National Review Lab on Sustainable Development Goal 3 A virtual workshop to increase awareness of UHC targets, share tools and resources and encourage the use of the VNR platform for…



International Universal Health Coverage Day 2021 CAMPAIGN REPORT As of 21 December 2021 UHC Day 2021 Campaign Report Table of Contents I. Overview | pages 5-6 II. 2021 Campaign Theme and…



Section C. Impliquer efficacement les citoyens dans le contrôle budgétaire en faveur de la couverture sanitaire universelle Représentation et contrôle : le rôle des parlements dans la promotion d’une…