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1278 results:



… each of the health financing subfunctions and policy areas (30): • Revenue generation: o Move towards…

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… the pandemic instrument – so that voices are heard and actions respond to people’s needs. This will also help…


… of the health financing sub-functions and policy areas (30): Revenue generation: Move towards predominant…

G7 Summit in Japan: Another Milestone for Global Health

G7 Summit in Japan: Another Milestone for Global Health

… time. I hope G7 leaders will agree on specific actions to accelerate international work to achieve this…

Pursuing UHC and addressing the challenge of antimicrobial resistance

Pursuing UHC and addressing the challenge of antimicrobial resistance

… at national, regional and global levels, so that actions to secure people’s access to effective treatment…


… compendium offers a database of over 3500 health actions in all health areas, from which they can choose in…

Events on UHC at the World Health Assembly 2018

Events on UHC at the World Health Assembly 2018

… towards universal health coverage: focused actions on primary health care and financing for effective…



… related to transi6on planning 2. Map out priority areas, key outputs and products for inclusion into a work…

Time to get our act together on UHC and health emergencies

… vision for resilient health systems, and priority actions for both emergency preparedness and UHC…



… to achieve their outcomes. l By doing so, critical areas of duplication, overlap, misalignment can be…