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UHC 2030 Steering Committee 15-16 June 2017 Introduction The Steering Committee for the International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 (UHC2030) met for the first time on 15-16 June in Geneva to…



2030 International Health Partnership Note for the Record UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environments Audio conference 14th September 2017,…



Version 4.1 20/4/2017 Fragile States Working Group Draft Work Plan The purpose of this work plan is to organize and sequence the tasks of the Fragile States Working Group around the two objectives…



2030 International Health Partnership Document SC5. Draft terms of reference for the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting, Geneva, 15-16 June 2017 Background This…

Bold moves and missing links

Bold moves and missing links

Bold moves and missing links By Godelieve van Heteren, Maryam Bigdeli and Gerard Schmets from the Health Systems Governance Collaborative In the dynamic worlds of health systems strengthening there…

Civil Society taking action in UHC2030

Civil Society taking action in UHC2030

Civil Society taking action in UHC2030 New advisory group members, participation in UNGA and country consultations. It’s been a busy time for CSOs in UHC2030. The Civil Society Engagement Mechanism…

Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health and the Dublin Declaration

Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health and the Dublin Declaration

Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health and the Dublin Declaration Building the health workforce of the future This article was first published on the WHO website. On 17 November 2017 the…

WHO Call to Action: Together on the road to universal health coverage

WHO Call to Action: Together on the road to universal health coverage UHC - all countries can take action now A new WHO publication: Together on the road to universal health coverage is a strong call…

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya Health Data Collaborative: working for one strong national system that meets all country and international data…

WHO launches Global Service Delivery Network for universal health coverage

WHO launches Global Service Delivery Network for universal health coverage

WHO launches Global Service Delivery Network for universal health coverage News from a UHC2030 related initiative. A global network aimed at supporting the implementation of the WHO Framework on…